Well, I did it! I released v0.1! Hey, at least it’s a start. If you want to check it out, click the ‘Play’ link in the tool bar. I keep that up-to-date with the most recent version release (sometimes a little bit ahead).

The goals for v0.1 were:

  • Get a playable game built!
  • Implement core mechanics (justice system, combat, winning, losing)

With some features being:

  • Procedurally generated city (currently only building lots and empty lots are being populated)
  • Civilians (that currently wander like zombies) with some being ‘muggers’ that you have to stop!
  • A good foundation for more advanced AI
  • Implemented a mechanics system that mirrors the HERO System RPG mechanics for character creation
  • An improved UI with pretty colors

Stay tuned for more to come…plans for v0.2 are going to involve moving some of the more basic code into a framework that for ROT.js so that I can share it across projects. That might briefly take some time away from this as I create the GitHub page for it and write up documentation on the helpers that it provides. After that gets all done though, I am planning on beefing up some of the PGC for cities! Skyscrapers, houses and others. Basically, by the end of v0.2, I don’t want to have any empty lots.

Additionally, I will be implementing some improvements to the existing building generation code, and adding indoor features, namely, furniture.